CB Training i&G Information & Guidance Sheet
(First Aid at Work)
First Aid at Work (Useful Information)
Some common guidance taken from our “Emergency First Aid at Work” Training Course:
- The aims of First Aid: Preserve life, prevent the situation worsening, Promote recovery.
- Prioritising treatment – The primary survey: Danger – Response – Airway – Breathing – Circulation.
- CPR and rescue breath, after 30 compressions, open the airway and give 2 rescue breaths.
- Unconscious casualty and the ‘AVPU’ scale: Alert – Voice – Pain – Unresponsive.
- Choking treatment: 1- Instruct the casualty to cough, 2- back blows, 3- abdominal thrusts.
- Types of bleeding: Arterial bleed, venous bleed, capillary bleed.
- Treatment of bleeding: Sit or lay the casualty down, Examine and check for foreign objects, Apply pressure directly or either side of the wound, Dress with a sterile non-stick dressing.
- Shock “a lack of oxygen to the tissues of the body”. Recognition pale clammy skin, dizziness or passing out, a fast weak pulse, rapid shallow breathing.
- Tourniquets are devices that tighten around a limb to temporarily reduce blood flow. (Training is essential to make sure application is safe and effective).
- Chemicals in the eye: Irrigate with large volumes of clean water continuously, with the water running away from the good eye.
- Burns: Cool the burn, remove jewelry and loose clothing, dress the burn.
- Broken or dislocated bones (recognition) Pain – loss of power – unnatural movement – swelling or bruising – deformity – irregularity – crepitus – tenderness.
- Stroke recognition: FAST, Facial weakness, Arm weakness, Speech problems, Time to call 999.
- First Aid courses include: 1 day EFAW, 2 day REQ, 3 day FAW & Pediatric.
Under the Health and Safety law, an employer has a responsibility to ensure that first aid provisions in the Workplace is sufficient. Feel free to contact our office for further advice and guidance.
Contact us on: 01536 201871

first aid training courses provided by CB Training
Email: info@cbtraining.biz
Web: www.cbtraining.biz