One of our instructors from CB Training providing a recent course on a customer site. We provide a range of Gantry Crane, Hoist, Slinger, Signaler training courses on customer sites throughout the UK.
This course is designed to train delegates in methods of using Gantry Cranes / Hoists within their working environment in respect of PUWER and LOLER regulations. This course also includes the basic techniques of slinging and signaling loads and movements within the work place.
- The Health & Safety At Work Act
- PUWER & LOLER Regulations
- Selecting & Inspecting the lifting equipment
- Selection & Inspection of lifting tackle
- Controls and movement of the crane / hoist
- PPE requirements / care / maintenance & use
- Methods of slinging loads
- Using specific attachments
- Load weight distribution
- Knowledge & practical examinations
Experience required
No prior knowledge of topic required
Course duration
1,2,3 day courses available
Number of delegates
0 – 4
Certification renewal
Recommended every 3 years however this may depend on the company’s risk assessments and internal policies.

Facilities / requirements
A training room suitable for the number of delegates will be required. Sufficient practical training and practice area for the crane / hoist and relevant loads. Delegates will require PPE as required.
ITSSAR & In-house available