Posting for Instructors and Tutors

We love working with subcontract Instructors however we will never post looking for an instructor to cover a job at short notice.

I believe in networking and building relationships and not just using “anyone” to cover a job at short notice. I look at our customers as family, i wouldn’t ask a stranger in the street to look after my children so why is it acceptable to ask a stranger to provide a service to my customer?

We encourage Instructors and Tutors to contact us regarding working within our team and believe that by following our own internal process we are able to build ongoing relationships that benefit our customers and Instructors.

As a training tutor, instructor and NEBOSH qualified Health and Safety practitioner i believe that working in a team and with a network of instructors you are stronger and better positioned in business to provide a complete customer service.

If you or someone you know is qualified to ITSSAR standards as an Instructor or Tutor and is looking for subcontract work then please feel free to contact our training team on: 01536 201871, we will offer an initial telephone interview followed by our own internal process overseen by myself.

We love Team Building at CB Training

We Love Team Building at

CB Training